Call Beast

Talent:Dominate Beast
Rank: 5

This knack has two forms:

First, this knack allows the adept to call animals to him or her. The adept must specify what types of animals are desired and how strong a call (i.e. how many should respond) to make. An excellent success indicates all such animals in a ten yard per rank range will immediately make their way towards the caller. This range can be increased by five yards per Rank for each additional two points of strain.

Second, this knack allows the adept to attract a single or specific animal. Use of the knack in this way requires several hours, and still has the same range, but allows the adept to specify a general or specific description of the being called. For example, the adept may call "the greatest bear in the forest", "a griffon who wishes to adventure with me", or even "a great beast to fight at my side". More restrictive characteristics require greater Success Levels for success. The actual time required and the availability of the described animal are decided by the Storyguide.