Heavy Hand

Talent:Wood Skin
Rank: 6

This knack allows the adept to make her hands (or feet or whatever) heavier, increasing their effectiveness for beating on things. The adept spends 2 Strain to activate this knack and the effect lasts for Rank rounds. The effect allows the adept to increase her Strength Step for Damage Tests by up to half her Rank, but also slows her and makes her less agile. Add double the bonus (ie, up to the Wood Skin Rank) to the strength minimum for the weapon in use (use 2 for Unarmed Combat), and reduce the adept's Dexterity Step by the amount this exceeds her base strength. For example, if Dregglan has a 19 Strength and uses a Troll Sword (Strength Minimum of 13) and he uses Heavy Hand to increase his Damage Step by 4, he will have a 2 Step penalty to his Dexterity (13 + 8 - 19 = 2).