

All characters get Versatility, but for nonhumans the costs are higher. Versatility is raised as a fifth circle talent, and can only be raised to a maximum rank of 12. Also, talents aquired through Versatility cost one circle set higher in Legend Points to advance. Additionally, the character does not get one talent per rank of Versatiliy: the cost in versatility ranks is determined by the relevence of the talent to the character's legend (i.e. character conception). Core talents cost one, central telents cost two, and merely related talents cost three. Extraneous talents cost a full five ranks.

When learning talents through versatility, the character must be of a circle higher than the circle at which the teacher's discipline gains the talent by a number of circles equal to the Versatility rank cost. So, for example, if a character wanted to learn Riposte from a Swordmaster, and the storyguide rules that Riposte is a related talent for this character, then she must be at least fifth circle (second circle talent plus related cost of three) to learn the talent. The versatility ranks need not be free when learning begins, but the talent cannot reach rank one until the required Versatility slots are available.